Jointly established by Bengbu Medical University and Yuanyuan Quantum Computing Technology Hefei Co., Ltd.quantum computingThe "Hefei Institute of Quantum Computing and Data Medicine" announced the establishment of the "Hefei Institute of Quantum Computing and Data Medicine" on December 8; accelerating the innovation and breakthroughs in quantum computing technology. The third is to rely on the Baichuan computing power grid-connected platform to achieve diverse quantum computing power grid-connected capabilities, and cumulative grid-connected social quantum computing power has reached 3 categories with a total of 590 quanta.
Today is an explosivequantum computingis Google's important breakthrough in quantum computers. What does this mean? For example, humans previously had to predict weather changes, typhoon tracks, etc., which was limited by numbers; many people began to question whether the slow progress of quantum computers was deceptive. In fact, the core of quantum science is quantum computing, and detection and encryption are relatively basic applications.
Areas where quantum computing technology can be applied include
The quantum bit, often referred to simply as a qubit, is the basic unit in quantum computing, similar to the bit in classical computers. However, it can only be at 0 with the classical bit.
Quantum computing listed companies
Breakthroughs in quantum computing are setting off a new scientific and technological revolution. Recently, Google released the quantum chip Willow, which was completed in just 5 minutesquantum computingA traditional supercomputer requires 10².